Kim u.'s review of Aeria Games and Entertainment

Aeria Games and Entertainment

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My Garage Door Repairman - Plano, TX
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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 4/16/2013
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Good to worse.
I been with aeriagames since 2006 of Last Chaos & TS1 and longer. I will give Aeriagames benefit out of the doubt was the decent company in 2006~2010. Till there greed started to filled them and pretty much blame it on there "developers" on there closing
games down after people spending countless money on with hardly much of a refund on the AP only towards people who bought AP recently during the month they announced it on. But far as now 2011-2013 they became worse and worser making these ridiculous raffle
tickets and making it a way dis advantage towards there non AP buying Customers. & towards the AP buyers getting scammed & ripped off outta the money they have spend just to be ripped off over false definition merchandising items. Far as there customer supporting
in there ticketing was fair at some points but when it comes to reporting people they know who spends there life saving on this game and they go against there ToS or even bash or trolling others they dont do anything towards them but a slap on the wrist. Picking
there Game Sages. Aeria mostly pick there game sages outta favoritism or people who they know will do work without questions asked. & Most that become Game sages are changes there personality & only become it for the AP and dont even bother helping the community
at all. But yet towards people who have knowledge and willing to share. All i can say is i do not support aeria any longer in there decision making and will no longer be playing there games other than helping the community out when there GS(Game Sages) tends
to just ignore them or dont bother to even ask what issues there are even having.
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Hours   Phone   (408) 216-1107 Address   2475 Augustine
Santa Clara, CA 95054-3015
Website Email   BLewis@AeriaGames.Com
Contact   Brian Lewis Other  
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