Darianne L.'s review of Family Solution Centers, LLC

Family Solution Centers, LLC

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Fred Fleming Attorney at Law
4.1 star rating 0 miles
Tax Group Center
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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 11/11/2010
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Review 11/11/2010
This company is a TOTAL rip-off! They first take your "non-refundable" deposit just to talk to you, claiming that you will be able to speak to an attorney. They then proceed to send you a pile of paperwork. After you return the requested documents, they have their legal document specialists prepare your forms. BUT WAIT! You don't get the document preparation service until you have given them over $1000! (Who pays that much for paperwork?! You can find most of the needed forms online or in your local law library and do it yourself for FREE! Or call your local Legal Aid office for assistance with paperwork.) As far as speaking to a lawyer (or any person with specific LEGAL training)...you'd have better luck standing in front of your local courthouse and begging. You won't have a person to represent you in court unless you pay another $150/hr for representation. This is actually a good hourly price, but in the end, it comes up to about the same as if you hired a local lawyer for the $2000 - $3000 retainer. The bonus with a local person is that you actually get to speak to a legal professional and they return your calls promptly. If you are as unfortunate as I was, you'll have Brent Burkowitz as your case manager. He will tell you to call on days that he doesn't plan to be in the office and refuse to give you any real information until you are already paying their $59 "membership fee." After this, he just continues to lie (by the way, he IS the person who handles accounting). After 6 DAYS of unbelievably unprofessional behavior, I cancelled my account and was still charged a membership fee. I received an email confirming my cancellation but my bank account was charged another $175 the next day! The company, of course, now refuses to answer any emails or phone calls. Shame on any company that takes advantage of a person's distress over their children!!! Shame on any company that uses a parent's love as leverage to overcharge for useless services!!!
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (800) 245-1494 Address   827 State Street, Suite #11
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Website   http://www.familysolutioncenters.com Email   fscases@gmail.com
Contact   Emily Wentworth Other  
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