Gary M.'s review of Gary Whitehead and Associates

Gary Whitehead and Associates

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 7/16/2012
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Gary Whitehead & Associates
We hired Gary Whitehead, a Palm Springs paralegal, to mediate our divorce proceedings. At each stage we believe he acted unprofessionally and incompetently, and ultimately abandoned us to conduct the work on our own. As a result he caused us great grief and frustration, and our divorce to take 6 months longer than it should have. As we agreed on everything up front, it should have been the easiest of settlements, since we gave him all the data he needed for the forms. All he had to do was fill in the blanks and submit them to the Court! What became standard operating procedure was that he would not return calls unless he felt like it, he would tell us he sent documents when he hadn't, and blamed his mistakes on the court, the law, or on us! If we didn't bring things to his attention, e.g., like when the Default Agreement was due, he would have done nothing. So Gary tells me, "I don't like you, you're always attacking me." I told him, "You don't have to like me. I don't think it's unrealistic to expect that you do the job that we paid you $1,150 to do and that you know the law and the schedule of your client's cases!!" When it came time for the divorce to become final my ex calls him to find out his estimate of the actual date. When he doesn't return her umpteenth call she contacted the Family Court. They told her they'd scheduled a Court date for us because he never filed a Judgment! When I took the documents to Family Court (which Gary should have submitted) I received a big shock; he had not included the Judgment in the package!!! When we called him to complain, he never returned either of our calls. So I spent the next four weeks preparing and re-preparing the entire Judgment package myself, on the Court's website, with the help of a paralegal and the law clerks in Family Court. It was refused three times before I could even submit it and rejected and returned to me once before it was finally approved by a Family Court Judge!!!…
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Hours   Open Monday to Saturday 9:00AM to 5:00PM Phone   (760) 318-5700 Address   189 South Civic Drive, Suite 5
Palm Springs, CA 92262
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